Most NFT games have a lopsided priority for NFT over the gameplay experience – and Polygon Studios want to change that with MetalCore.
Metalcore is an upcoming free-to-play, 3D mechanized combat MMO from Studio 369, which has opted to migrate from the ImmutableX network over to Polygon ahead of its imminent launch.

Studio 369 promises a game-first approach in Metalcore with the game not being exactly an “NFT Game” like others in the market, but rather an “NFT-based” open world, mechanized combat game. The game’s trailer shows some pre-alpha teaser footage of what the game’s supposed to be like, with NFT pilots and vehicles minted soon in Q3 2022 to enhance the gameplay experience. The Metalcore team will also be hosting a gameplay demo booth at the upcoming NFT.NYC event on June 20, where people will be able to get a first taste of the game. Studio 369 is composed of industry veterans who have previously worked in Activision, Disney, Lucas Films, Midway, and working on projects such as the MechWarrior 2 franchise, Mortal Kombat and Gears of War. The team also includes Hugo Award-winning concept artist Stephan Martiniere, who worked on Magic the Gathering, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, God of War, and Sky.
“As a free-to-play game with mass market appeal, MetalCore has the potential to mint millions of NFTs and even more on-chain transactions,” says MetalCore Senior Advisor Sam Kim.” It is necessary for us to partner with a blockchain or an L2 that is able to scale efficiently and cost-effectively while being carbon neutral. Polygon Studios is that perfect solution. They are building a world-class ecosystem that appeals to both traditional and native Web3 gamers. MetalCore is excited to be joining this elite group.”
“We’ve made it a priority to find the very best games and games developers to help further our goal of making Polygon the foundation for the GameFi space — MetalCore and its team meets this standard,” says Urvit Goel. “We’re delighted to have MetalCore on Polygon, and look forward to seeing the immersion and engagement its gameplay will foster among players in the gaming space.”
With NFTs crashing in the market and previously bullish NFT games like Axie Infinity facing a downturn, NFT games now have to adapt and focus more on the gameplay over the NFT and play-to-earn aspects of their games. MetalCore appears to be moving in that direction, but we really won’t know for sure until the game launches feature-complete when the time comes.
