The game was invented in 1965 by Wally Froehlich of Seattle, Washington and named “Pickleball” because he was selling pickles at the time.
It is now played all over the world with more than one million players who play at least once a year.
Who Plays Pickleball?
People of all ages can play pickleball, but it is common for adults to play this game because they have more free time to do so. The average age of players is around 55 years old and there are many people who are 75 years old
“Creating opportunities and unique experiences for the VeeFriends Community is at the core of the VeeFriends project’s mission and vision,” said Andy Krainik, President of VeeFriends. “We are proud to continue to have VeeFriends be a pioneer in guiding how IP owners can execute meaningful NFT projects successfully to deliver the most value to their communities.”  Gary Vaynerchuk & VeeFriends continue to accomplish this by curating ongoing utility for holders through unique brand collaborations, access experiences,in-real-life community-building events, and innovative mini-drops.
VEE-IP SEATS: Special prime area for viewing Pickleball up close and personal at the VEE-IP SECTION
VEE-IP HOSPITALITY: Access to MLP’s “Special Guest” air-conditioned tent, where breakfast, lunch, dinner, and complimentary drinks will be served all day long
VEE-IP PACK: MLP hoodie, shirt and hat
VEE-IP PHOTOS WITH THE 5’s: Photos with GaryVee’s MLP Team The 5’s taken by our Official Photographer Future Fox 360 Friday & Saturday
Meet and Greet with the Pros and the President of VeeFriends: Meet the players, learn about the sport and join a Q&A with the President of VeeFriends, Andy Krainak (Gary Vaynerchuk will not be at the event).
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Ruslan is a photography turned NFT artist who is bringing his own style and unique techniques to the crypto art world.  What makes his art so special is that he subverts the current trends around NFT art by focusing on the beautiful still images onto the blockchain.  He states that he always wanted to paint the world the way he sees it, but God didn’t give him much skill, but he’s lucky the Devil made photoshop.  We think he’s a true talent with pieces of art on Makersplace (Warning: NSFW).

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To feature art and artists, we try to embed or link directly to the source of the artist. Sometimes that is not possible, so we try and provide proper representation. If your art is featured on this website and you want it removed. please let us know and we will remove immediately.
