5 collections compiled from the best nft photographers in June 2022. For more information about the artists and their collections, review the content.


1.  Mustafa Cebecioglu – Women of Anatolia

Collection Name:
Women of Anatolia
Total Piece: 8
Collected Piece: 4 
Floor Price:
0.1 ETH 
Total Volume: 0.40 ETH
Artist Twitter: https://twitter.com/mustykte
Artist Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/m.cebecioglu/
Artist Web Site: https://www.mustafacebecioglu.com.tr

If you are a woman in Anatolia, life is much more difficult for you…

Anatolian women continue their lives against harsh climatic conditions. All the weight of life is on their shoulders. Before the winter season shows its harsh face, carrying wood for heating and preparing winter food for feeding are almost the most important duties of Anatolian women. In addition to this war against nature, they also have duties such as raising their children and providing them with a safe environment. Anatolian women sometimes carry wood and sometimes their children on their backs. All these reasons leave Anatolian women no choice but to be strong. In fact, this power was inherited from their ancestors.

Collection link is here.


2.  Ali Can – My Silhouette World

Artist: Ali Can
Collection Name:
My Silhouette World
Total Piece: 8
Collected Piece: 3 
Floor Price:
0.08 ETH 
Total Volume: 0.24 ETH
Artist Twitter: https://twitter.com/alicandogancam
Artist Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ali.can0707/
Artist Web Site: 

As another day comes to an end, silhouette photographs are the moments when we catch the rhythm of the elements with those precious colors that the horizon offers us. It is a great happiness for a photographer to be able to reflect excitement, joy or sadness when hot and cold photographic moments are best utilized. In contrast photographs created by objects on a two-dimensional plane, we can sometimes describe movements better than a portrait. Those moments the intensity of the light decreases and the colors get warmer sometimes make you feel excitement, sometimes joy and sometimes peace. These photographs have a high emotion even when people turn into lines. Lovers enjoying the peace at the seaside, a fisherman who throws the last net of the day or children having fun take us to other worlds. All these are the colorful beauties make our hearts warm that the sun shows us before it surrenders to the night…

Collection link is here.


3.  Aygul Harmancı – The Tea Time

Aygul Harmancı
Collection Name:
The Tea Time
Total Piece: 9
Collected Piece: 9
Floor Price:
0.08 ETH 
Total Volume: 0.64 ETH
Artist Twitter: https://twitter.com/aygulharmanci
Artist Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aygul_ozturk_/
Artist Web Site: 

Tea is hope in the Black Sea, it is a child, it is a mother, it is a father, it is family, it is life. Black Sea people mostly make a living from tea. Black Sea families harvest tea three times in a year, in spring, in summer and early autumn. It is difficult to harvest tea and maintain it. That’s why the whole family, even children, is in the field at the harvest time. It makes them tired every day in the field, but it takes their tiredness away again. Tea harvest is a child crying for a mother when even his mother is angry with him, in Black Sea region. That’s why tea is everything to them.

Collection link is here.


4.  Ali ACAR – Street Noise

Collection Name:
Street Noise
Total Piece: 8
Collected Piece: 1
Floor Price:
0.15 ETH 
Total Volume: 0.15 ETH
Artist Twitter: https://twitter.com/_aliacar_
Artist Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/a.l.i.acar/
Artist Web Site: 

The photos in this collection were taken in a few Anatolian streets. You can feel the sound, movement and color of the streets in the photos. You can hear the conversations in front of the door, the sounds of children on bikes going fast. Even if you don’t like car noise and the smell of exhaust, this is a part of life now. If the heart of a city is the square of that city, the streets are its veins.

Collection link is here.


4. Niyazi GURGEN – Life in Village

Collection Name:
Life in Village
Total Piece: 12
Collected Piece:  – 
Floor Price:
0.25 ETH 
Total Volume: 0.00 ETH
Artist Twitter: https://twitter.com/niyazi_gurgen
Artist Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/niyazi_gurgen/
Artist Web Site: https://www.niyazigurgen.com

In this collection, I focused on the agricultural activities and tiring struggles of people living in rural areas. In these lands, women and children work like ants in all seasons. These photographs, in which I describe the difficult village life in the Anatolian geography, contain wonderful stories, emotions, colors and contrasts. My collection, ”Life in Village” consists of 12 unique photographs and they are all 1/1 edition.

Collection link is here.