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The popular Mexican newspaper, El Universal, has been hacked by an NFT scam account on Twitter. The official El Univeral account has been completely taken over in a bizarre, but not surprising turn of events. They haven’t tweeted any links to the newspaper since June 4th. However, the @ElUniversal account is now tweeting non-stop, spamming Goblintown scam nft tweets.
The newspaper has over five million followers on Twitter, and the NFT scam will target these people. Unfortunately, El Universal has not been able to retrieve its social media account so far.
What’s more, the hackers have changed the profile name to If you come across the account, avoid clicking on any links, as this may compromise your NFT security.
This is a sophisticated NFT hack that relies on the trust of the accounts they hack. El Universal is a huge newspaper in Mexico and has a circulation of 300 thousand in print editions.
Founded in 1916, it is a household name in Mexico, and many will use the Twitter account to keep up to date with the latest news in Mexico City. It is unclear how the NFT hackers infiltrated the prestigious Mexican newspaper with their NFT scam. However, now that they have access, they can quickly pump out as many links to their scam as possible.
First of all, avoid clicking on any links such as the ones on the El Universal Twitter account. Also, be mindful to keep up to date with the latest NFT security news. Always double-check and triple-check what you are connecting your NFT wallet to. 
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All investment/financial opinions expressed by are not recommendations.
This article is educational material.
As always, make your own research prior to making any kind of investment.
James is an English teacher and freelance writer with a passion for NFTs, football, film and technology.

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